pin 143: plump glutes circuit workout

This workout seriously kicks your ass! I don’t know if you have buns of steel and can make it through this 3 times, but my flabby butt was exhausted after 2 times! I also stopped because I was starting to feel some pain in my knees and can in no way tolerate a knee injury right now. It would be pretty awful.

This pin combines all the greatest glutes exercises into one and then multiplies the average rep by about… 20. Seriously? 50 squats? In one set? Don’t get me wrong, I loved it, but for that many squats my ass better look like Britney Spears’ circa Baby One More Time.

Ease (1-10): 7 At least! I only did two sets of these exercises and it calls for 3. I’m no couch potato but I’m not in the best of shape.
Cost: Nada!