pin 137: 10 minute cardio and abs circuit workout


It’s finally gotten cold and rainy in Los Angeles! Part of me really loves it because it means sweaters and boots and comfort food, but most mornings I wake up really dreading taking Penelope around the neighborhood! Most nights, I don’t feel like braving the cold to run my almost-daily mile so at home cardio workouts really come in handy.

This pin is amazing – you really never knew you could get so much done in 10 minutes! All of these exercises are hard to do for a full minute so you’ll really feel the burn. It’s a great workout for your abs and even works in a little arms and legs too.

With all the yummy food I have been making/planning to make, I need all the cardio I can get. What are some of your favorite non-gym workouts?

Ease (1-10): 5 Works you out!
Cost: 0