pin 142: 4×4 workout {cardio, strength, abs}

This workout is a killer! It’s customizable depending on your athletic/fitness level. I tried it on beginner because I’m short on time and tired but it was quite a workout! I think next time I will try it at an intermediate.

A little bit of arms and legs, but mostly abs and cardio. You will need dumbbells for this workout.

Ease (1-10): 5 Pretty tough.
Cost: Zip!

pin 135: lean legs pyramid exercise

This pin is a great workout for when your legs are feeling really flabby. Working all day sitting at a desk, my leg muscles tend to feel like JELLO at the end of the day. Most nights I run about a mile around the neighborhood but tonight I just couldn’t bring myself to run it again. I walk the same route 2-3 times a day with my dog and then run it at night… Gets a little repetitive.

Most nights I’m really dragging my ass around the neighborhood. I tend to get a little down on myself because I’m a really slow runner. But today I saw a pin that really made me feel inspired:

This is going to keep me moving for a long time! If you don’t follow fitsugar on Pinterest, you should! They have amazing workouts and great inspirational pins. It definitely makes being healthy much more fun 😉

Anyway, the lean legs pyramid exercise is really great! You’ll definitely feel it in your outer thighs! I had no idea I could do so many jumping jacks but I’m glad I did. I think this workout could pay off if you stick with it.
Ease (1-10): 5 Pretty tough!
Cost: Nada!

pin 125: all-over body workout {arms, legs, back and core}

This pin was definitely a great workout! Of course, it came from Back On Pointe. I swear, that blog is the Bible for exercise.

Ease (1-10): 4 Not all that tough, but you’ll feel the exercises working.
Cost: Free

Sorry I have been behind in writing, especially this weekend. Was getting ready to go out for Halloween on Saturday and found out some horrible news that BF’s friend from home had tragically passed away. Been a little… surreal since then.

Hope to catch up more this week. Everyone stay safe, please.

pin 112: dancer’s legs workout {via back on pointe}

When it comes to home workouts, this girl is the queen! Seriously, just try to surf the health and fitness category on Pinterest and go 10 pins without seeing one of her workouts! She’s an expert, and since she is a long-time dancer, I thought that this workout would definitely be good.

I wasn’t wrong! It was pretty tough and targeted, but could also be made more difficult with dumbbells, as she pointed out in the original post.

Ease (1-10): 4 Definitely tightens and tones, but suitable for semi-beginners.
Cost: 0!