pin 118: quiet {at home} workout

Anyone who has lived with me knows that I love to work out at home. I usually start feeling really guilty for not hitting the gym around 8:00 pm and try to fit a sweat in before going to bed. So this pin is perfect for me so my cardio fix doesn’t wake anyone!

It’s also a really good all over workout! Some of the exercises were new to me so I had to Google them but they turned out to be really tough. Like the jackknife sit-ups? Ugh.

Ease (1-10): 4 Good workout!
Cost: Nada

pin 100: inner thigh toner

This is a great inner thigh workout that you’ll definitely feel!

I had to Google some of the exercises, but once I did they were pretty simple.

Ease (1-10): 4 A great burn just in time for those sexy Halloween costumes to show a little leg!
Cost: Zilch!

pin 80: good morning yoga sequence

I’m moblogging again! This time, I’m blogging from the airport as I anxiously await my flight back to upstate NY {home} for my college friend’s wedding! I know it will be amazing and wonderful, especially because I will be surrounded by my college friends {by the way, it’s true, they are the best friends you’ll find}! They are also all journalists or editors so I hope if they are reading this, they are not critiquing my overuse of commas and my inability to follow AP style!

Anyway, I’m hoping to be moblogging all weekend and into next week, when I’ll be staying with my family. {Expect adorable mom-and-daughter posts because I get all my craftiness from my mama!}

Yesterday’s pin can be found on my Does The Body Good pin board. It’s called Good Morning Yoga and I think it’s my only yoga pin? I have only done yoga 3 times {including yesterday!}, but I really love it. I love the strength and flexibility it establishes and {even though I do all the poses wrong} I love the peaceful beauty in the poses. Life has gotten hectic and I haven’t been able to make it to the yoga classes where I was going – the Bob Baker Marionette Theater in Los Angeles on Saturdays from 11am to 12:30 – but I plan on going again as soon as possible once I get back!

Anyway, this pin is fairly easy for those who have done yoga once before and are familiar with some of the basic movements. I mean, I have only done it twice before this and I thought it was totally doable. As it is with yoga, today I am sore in places I didn’t even know l worked out! Anyway, I encourage people to try it because it’s helpful to know that not all yoga is pretzel looking legs and arms. Sometimes it’s very simple and very pretty.

Ease (1-10): 3 Pretty straightforward, but shouldn’t be the first time you have gotten off the couch in a year.
Cost: You guessed it! Nada!